Vitivinivolous Innovation



The opening day of the Wine Innovation Week 2025 (WIW) has left a clear and forceful message: the future of the Catalan wine sector is to share knowledge, increase public incentives, reduce bureaucracy, take a long -term look and put the territory at the center. These have been the great ideas that have focused the debate at the round table and marked the tone of the event.

On February 18 and 19, the city of Bordeaux was the scene of the second meeting of the Watenerwine European project consortium, an initiative aimed at improving energy efficiency and water management in the wine sector.

From February 5 to 6, 2025, Innovi and a group of members attended the World Fira 2025, the global event dedicated to agricultural robotics, held in Toulouse, France

The VIWATEC project, promoted by ACCIÓ within the IRC call (Initiatives for Reinforcement of Competitiveness) and coordinated by Catalan Water Partnership (CWP), has developed two key tools to improve water efficiency in the Catalan wine sector: the Good Practice Guide and the Catalog of Technological Services and Solutions.

From March 25 to 27, 2025, the wine sector will meet again in the fourth edition of the Wine Innovation Week organized by Innovi, a reference event that focuses on innovation in wine products and services.

Yesterday was held in Vallbona de les Monges a day of knowledge exchange focused on the sustainable management of land in vineyard, organized by Innovi in collaboration with Olivera Cooperativa

On January 14, the Agora Center hosted the first meeting of the Training and Training Table of Catalonia of this 2025.

Innovi, held a meeting with the Catalan Association of Oenologists to explore new opportunities for collaboration and strengthen the links between the two entities

El passat divendres, 10 de gener de 2025, a Santa Fe, l’Alt Penedès, va acollir una trobada interna de l’Acadèmia de Poda. L’esdeveniment, dissenyat per fer balanç del que portem de temporada, va combinar una sessió de debat estratègic amb una aplicació pràctica sobre el terreny.


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Ea sit quaeque consulatu, nam causae nonumes in, ne sea graeci quidam pericula. Id eius scriptorem sit, affert ridens ea eam, no est illum instructior. Cu veri gubergren appellantur vis. Te summo facilisi constituto qui, ad mundi nemore causae pro. Equidem euripidis at vis, mundi intellegat quaerendum ex sit, ea nusquam fierent mea.

Ea pro nisl adhuc consequat. Mei at posse graecis epicurei, novum causae erroribus usu no, ne ubique praesent scribentur quo. Ea vis quod labitur sapientem, qui te putant laoreet sententiae, alii velit vidisse eam ex. Eum ut idque soluta diceret.

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