Vitivinivolous Innovation



Faced with the drought situation, INNOVI considered how it could help the wine sector from an innovative point of view. The sector was not only facing a lack of water, but also a new regulation that demanded a drastic reduction in water consumption. In response to this challenge, two conferences on saving and managing water were organized: one face-to-face in the Penedès and another online to reach a wider audience. The VIWATEC project emerged from these initiatives, with the aim of evaluating and collecting good practices to develop a water management and saving guide for the wine sector.

On June 6, at the Vallformosa facilities in Vilobí del Penedès, the intercluster conference between SEPCHO and INNOVI was held, focused on the analysis of the challenges faced by the wine sector in the field of deep tech. The wineries exposed the challenges and problems they have in their wine and cava production processes, as well as the needs in terms of agronomic management of the vineyard.

As part of the cycle of talks with the agro-food clusters of Catalonia, on Thursday 5 June the day "Challenges and good practices of INNOVI, the Catalan wine cluster" was held, co-organized with the College of Economists, from its Tarragona branch.

On this day, three sector projects were presented that provide answers to three major challenges: excessive bureaucracy, the reduction of phytosanitary uses and the improvement of biodiversity.

Aconseguir que les vinyes siguin més resilients davant la sequera és el gran repte a què s’enfronta el sector vitivinícola i ho continuarà sent durant les properes dècades. 

El Mercat Online de Raïm (MORA), una iniciativa pionera impulsada pel Clúster Vitivinícola Català INNOVI, ha inaugurat oficialment la seva campanya 2024 amb grans expectatives

Organitzat per l’Associació de Viticultura Regenerativa, amb el suport d’INNOVI, se celebrarà el 3 de juny a Vilafranca del Penedès i per streaming

El passat dissabte, les vinyes del celler Gramona van acollir l'acte de cloenda del curs superior de poda (Grau 3) organitzat per l’Acadèmia de Poda d’INNOVI i la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)

On the occasion of the beginning of the May Fairs in Vilafranca del Penedès, INNOVI organized the traditional Wine Innovation Day, focused this year on the topic "How to deal with the drought: From agronomic practices to irrigation". Highlighting the need to innovate to deal with the consequences of three years of drought.

·       A Catalan delegation made up of wine makers, experts and researchers from INCAVI travels to Switzerland to exchange knowledge in R&D regarding soils, oenology and viticulture

·       The Government is committed to promoting exchanges with international references to boost the wine sector and position the excellence of Catalan wine in the world

·       This is the return trip from the bilateral mission that took place last November co-organized by the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia in Switzerland, INCAVI and DIPLOCAT


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Ea sit quaeque consulatu, nam causae nonumes in, ne sea graeci quidam pericula. Id eius scriptorem sit, affert ridens ea eam, no est illum instructior. Cu veri gubergren appellantur vis. Te summo facilisi constituto qui, ad mundi nemore causae pro. Equidem euripidis at vis, mundi intellegat quaerendum ex sit, ea nusquam fierent mea.

Ea pro nisl adhuc consequat. Mei at posse graecis epicurei, novum causae erroribus usu no, ne ubique praesent scribentur quo. Ea vis quod labitur sapientem, qui te putant laoreet sententiae, alii velit vidisse eam ex. Eum ut idque soluta diceret.

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