WatEnerWine: Water and Energy in the wine sector: transition towards a sustainable, efficient and resilient industry

Info Innovi,

Project financed by the call MP-COSME-2023-AGRICLUSTER.


The consortium of the project reflects different actors from the sustainable agri-food sector and includes: three agri-food clusters (INNOVI, INNO’VIN, CLUST-ER), two support organizations (CWP and VINIDEA), and two technological centers (EURECAT and IFV).

  • Catalan Wine Cluster - INNOVI (Coordinator)
  • Catalan Water Partnership – CWP
  • Wine Cluster of Nouvelle Aquitaine - INNO’VIN
  • Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin - IFV
  • Agri-food Cluster of Emilia-Romagna - CLUST-ER


The European wine industry is a significant contributor to the European economy. The weight of viticulture plays a more important role in France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, as it is grown in nearly all regions of southern Europe. Wine production is an example of an activity where processing occurs on-site, thereby maintaining the added value in the production region.

Wine production is vital for rural areas as it contributes to:

  • Quality tourism
  • Landscape preservation
  • Retention of permanent population

Continuing with the work of the European EPAWI project (COSME Project) and the Wine Innovation Collaboration Alliance (WICA), the global survey produced with the participation of over 600 producers and viticulturists defines the main challenges of the wine sector worldwide as follows:

  • Reduce energy use and improve energy efficiency for production by using less energy-intensive technologies with low carbon emissions.
  • Increase the use of renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind, sustainable biomass, coproducts).
  • Improve water efficiency.


The project pursues the following main objective:

To support actions for the establishment of the “European Agri-food Sustainability Cluster Partnerships” focused on promoting (advancing and implementing) the adoption of resource efficiency technologies in the areas of energy and water by SMEs, specifically in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water management and efficiency.

This general objective is structured into several specific objectives:

  • Create a network of clusters, business support organizations (BSOs), technological centers, and SMEs to promote the project's goal.
  • Improve the structures and capacities of EU clusters and BSOs to support SMEs in their transition towards sustainability.
  • Enhance the energy efficiency and water management of wineries to adopt actions and technologies.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and resource use.
  • Reduce operational costs.
  • Involve organizations in European sustainability initiatives.

Actions to be developed:

The project begins with mapping best practices related to water management, energy efficiency, and the use of renewable energy in the wine sector and other agri-food sectors. This compilation will be supported by data extracted from a global survey and analysis of various studies and scientific articles.

Subsequently, collaboration will be promoted through the European Agri-food Sustainability Cluster Partnership, which will define the strategic agenda for the sector. Additionally, work will be done on incorporating best practices by SMEs through working groups and collaborative missions, with support from technological centers and clusters.

The proposed activities, grouped into WP, focus on:

  • Creating a network of clusters, BSOs, technological centers, and SMEs to work together to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of EU SMEs, developing a Common Strategic Agenda for the next 10 years and collaborating with existing initiatives.
  • Improving the structures and capacities of EU clusters and BSOs to support SMEs in their transition towards sustainability by creating Green Transition Centers and Advisors.
  • Enhancing energy and water efficiency and management in wineries by promoting the adoption, implementation, and deployment of technologies to improve their sustainability through thematic Working Groups at the national and EU levels.
  • Creating knowledge transfer resources, such as a best practices guide or the Innovation Catalog.
  • Engaging organizations in sustainability initiatives at the EU level through events and outreach activities.


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