Integration of sensorisation and remote sensing for efficient irrigation management in vineyards through continuous monitoring of soil, plant and microclimate conditions.

Aid for Cooperation for Innovation. Operation 16.01.01 of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020.

The main objective of the project is to optimise water management in wine-growing by digitalising and optimising all the production processes, with criteria of efficiency and conservation of its use, defining a decision-making protocol/strategy that ensures annual production and improves the quality and oenological potential of the vineyard.

The achievement of this main objective set out in the set of technological processes that are worked on in the wineries that present the project, is specified in more specific objectives:

• Sectorisation of agricultural farms to optimise water management according to the microclimatic, soil and agronomic characteristics of the different plots.

•Optimisation of water management in the vineyard, with the application of technology that gives clear support to the decision in the following points: 

-Soil management for maximum utilisation of soil water reserves
-Timing, dosage and overall irrigation strategy

• Correlating plant development, data from soil moisture sensors, plant water stress data, and remote sensing images in the conditions of the farms where they are installed, as a process to determine useful algorithms in the automation of processes.

•Introduction and validation of "Saturas" technology, which allows the monitoring of the water status of the plant.






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