• Webinar: Bretanomyces Bruxellensis detection and quantification


    During the web seminar, you will learn how modern technologies, such as the Cyflow ™ Brettcount test kit, help to guarantee the quality of wine and to detect and prevent microbial alteration early.

  • Market your wine. We identify the best formulas for microcellers

    Centre Àgora

    Workshop to design the strategy of supporting the marketing of microcellers

  • Robotization of the vineyard


    This day aims to explore the present and future of robotization in the vineyard, analyzing current solutions and emerging technological developments. Through the participation of experts and professionals in the sector, real experiences, new projects and innovations presented at the World Fira Toulouse 2025 will be shared. The meeting aims to generate debate and reflection on how technology can improve sustainability and efficiency in the sector Vitivinícola, identifying needs and opportunities for their implementation.

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