Grants for Competitiveness Building Initiatives for 2020 Cluster Projects - Development and Innovation Projects (LIN02).
There are currently more than 30 different interventions in the vineyard throughout the year, many of them with tractors and their corresponding machinery. The current fleet of tractors and hardware is very large and its renovation often exceeds 20 years. In these interventions, digitization and sensing have the potential to play two roles: to improve their efficiency and to collect data that will help to improve the profitability of the operation. Thus, the main objective of the project is to study the feasibility of using embedded sensor, IoT, Big Data and iCloud in existing machinery that allows, from the integration of all data obtained to improve productivity and biodiversity in the field and increase the competitiveness of Catalan wine SMEs. Specifically, the project will focus on the feasibility study of the application of the sensor in the machinery responsible for plowing and other related tasks to measure the compaction of the soil.
This phenomenon is increasing in recent years due to the increasing mechanization of tractor work, which in turn compacts the structure of the soil, reducing yields and reducing existing biodiversity.
The main objective of the project is to study the feasibility of using technologies based on embedded sensors, IoT, Big Data and iCloud that allow the integration of all possible readings and images to improve productivity and biodiversity in the field and increase the competitiveness of Catalan wine farms. The application will not only read the tools but also provide them with IoT technology to act on these tools so that they will have a single command, a single user interface for all tools and machinery in tablet mode. for the handling and control of the machinery.
To limit the feasibility analysis, a case study will be carried out on soil compaction and how the sensor and the existing machinery can avoid it and reduce its impact settings.